Advertising Campaign for LaBrea Bakery | Jacobs Agency
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Jockey Elements
Brand Development and Art Direction for the launch of a new product line | Jockey International
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Logo Design, Brand Launch and Store Design of a Flagship Store in NYC | Jockey International
Online Running Gear Store UI Concept & Design UI Student Project | CareerFoundry
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Catalog Creative and Photography Direction | Jockey International
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UX/UI Video Presentation of Travel Itinerary App Concept UI Student Project | CareerFoundry
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Art and Photo Direction for the New JockeyBra Brand and Store | Jockey International A broad range of assets were created to support the launch of the JockeyBra: print & digital advertising, an e-commerce microsite, email campaigns, several videos, a DRTV commercial and companion website, print catalogs, brochures, interactive iPad applications, environmental design and visual merchandising support.
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Brand Campaign and Photography Creative for Jockey | Jockey International
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3-D Package Design and Photography Direction for Products Sold at Costco | Jockey International
Travel Keeper
Travel Itinerary App Concept and UI Design UI Student Project | CareerFoundry
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